Oath 1
Oath 2

At SIS the student council is elected by a process of free and fair elections conducted in a very democratic and transparent way. The Investiture ceremony which inducts them into the cabinet is a solemn occasion with students taking oath. They promise to lead the school and their house keeping in mind the spirit of competition and fairness. The student council attend the Leadership Workshop which exposes them to various interactive sessions of lecture and activities. The workshop focuses mainly on team building skills and enhancement of leadership qualities among the cabinet members.

The Prefectorial Board also has Student Council Members elected from classes 5 to 12 (a boy and a girl from each class). This Board of Office Bearers takes care of cleanliness, judicious use of electricity, corridor discipline, classroom discipline, maintenance of class journal, arrangement of bulletin board and so on. Our Prefectorial Board takes great pride and responsibility in planning and running school-wide events, assisting the school in its day-to-day activities.

Over the years, their roles and responsibilities have expanded, in tune with the school’s move to develop and stretch student leaders. Instead of just being ushers, prefects now need to know how to plan, organize, delegate and assume the various jobs associated with an event. School based events such as Children’s Day, Teachers Day, annual ceremonies and events were very well planned and executed by our school Prefectorial Board.


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