A note from Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
Working with children and young people is more directly about human beings and their lives than any other occupation that I know. Children, in my experience, rarely compartmentalize their lives. To ensure that a child achieves their best potential, we must offer a package of approaches, tailored to suit the child’s needs, not cram the child into whatever ‘ism’ that suits us the best. This package must be set within a holistic, multidisciplinary context that tackles all issues.
What children and adolescents need the most is a safe, non judgmental space to explore their life, to be able to choose a direction of their choice making them responsible for their creation. Also, I feel that children need to be inspired, engaged and dazzled. Gone are the days of listening to the sage on the stage, the children today are smarter, savvier but also more in need of help than ever before.
Our purpose is to prepare our students for the real world. We believe that the value of learning is measured not by how much you know, but by how well you can apply what you know. We believe that education for the real world is about embracing the unknown and putting forth novel proposals to problem solving.
In 2020, the top 10 anticipated skills include people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, negotiation and service orientation. In this complex modern world, our children need now more than ever to be encouraged and given plenty of opportunity to connect with people in real ways and in real time, away from the technology that seems to consume us at times.
Open mindedness, a multicultural orientation, independence, a global outlook, multiple intelligences and abilities – these are the premium qualities needed today. As a 21st century organization, we at SIS desire to set an approach to learning that incorporates inquiry, research, analytical thinking and an ethical approach. The students are helped to focus on confidence building, while nurturing a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility through academic and co-curricular activities.
I believe that education, experience and memory are three things that no one can take away from you. At SIS , we want you to have the best of these three!
Wishing you all the very best,

Mrs. Artee Sharma


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